
School Groups

Fun Activities

Science Excursions

The Retreat

The Camp House

The Innovation Project

Fun Activities

Perfect for school excursions, end of term activities, year level retreats and student bonding activities. Get the kids out of the classroom and having some fun. Customise your activities based on time frames and budget. If you are looking for something a little different, give us a call!

There is a package to suit everyone! Whether you are looking for a jam packed fun filled end of term excursion, or a simple breakout activity if you are in the Glenelg area, we can customise our packages to suit your needs.

Science Excursions

Want to take your students on the best science excursion ever?

At The Beachouse we have found a fun and exciting way to teach students about Science! Our educational school excursions have been designed in-line with ACARA, including Cross-Curriculum and General Capabilities, incorporating open-ended tasks, place-based learning. Everyone agrees – they’re the best excursions ever!

How do we filter the water on our Waterslides? How do our Dodgem Cars move around an electrical track? Investigate what makes people fast or slow on a waterslide? We teach the practical stuff, in a cool way!

Excursion Highlights:
• 2 Hour Excursion
• Perfect for Year Levels 5-7
• Activity Sheets Provided
• Facilitated by The Beachouse “Scientist”
• Includes 1 Hour of Awesome Rides and Games*
• Recess and Lunch Options Available
• 1 Hour of Awesome Rides and Games*
• Recess and Lunch Options Available

Choose from these year 6 & 7 curriculum topics:
• Water Purification/Filtration
• Investigating Forces
• Electrical Circuits and Generating Electricity
• Reversible and Irreversible Changes

Every kids dream… to sleepover at a theme park!
Well, we’re here to make dreams come true, and give your students the coolest experience ever, a sleep over at The Beachouse!
You heard right – your students will get to sleep inside The Beachouse, surrounded by all our awesome games and rides (It’s an experience they will NEVER forget).

Overnight camps can be fully customised to suit your needs. Above schedule commences at 4pm Day 1 and concludes by 9am on Day 2. So are you ready to have the best school camp ever?! Contact us to customise your camp experience now!

The Retreat

Want a location that can offer a private tranquil space to utilise for retreats, leaderships days and the like, whilst also offering the most epic breakout activities including use of Waterslides, Dodgem Cars, Arcade Games, Mini Golf & Bumper Boats!?


We have the perfect solution for you! Here at The Beachouse, we have an awesome private function space with state-of-the-art facilities, private bathrooms, and uninterrupted views of Glenelg beach, located on our third level. And on our first and second level, we have loads of awesome rides and game that can entertainment students for hours! It’s the perfect combo to create a truly memorable experience for your students.


Your retreat can include:
Use of Private Function Space with ocean views | 2 Hours of fun activities using our rides & games* | Catered recess & lunch (optional) | Complimentary Barista made coffee for the teachers | Inclusion of The Innovation Project presentation

Contact us about your next retreat!

Function Room
The Innovation Project

From the creator of The Beachouse and The Big Wedgie, we present to you the innovation project.

Give your students a rare insight into the process behind concept creation and turning these visions into reality, from our creator!

Our sessions are built to give your students the confidence and inspiration to be creative and innovative thinkers, push boundaries and embrace entrepreneurship in an ever-evolving world.

Our aim is to strip back the limitations individuals place on themselves to succeed and give them real life examples of how creativity can ultimately be the catalyst of success.

Session Includes:

  • 1 Hour Interactive Presentation with our creator
  • 1.5 Hour Fun Activity (Rides & Games)
Innovation Project

enquire for more info about school group bookings!

The Beachouse team would love to speak with you about choosing our Adelaide entertainment complex for your upcoming school excursion! Please complete the form below – or call us on (08) 8295 1511.

Contact Information

Booking Details

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